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Adderall Addiction Treatment

Approximately 30% of students in the United States take Adderall during their studies. This stimulant increases concentration, gives strength, improves attention and induces a feeling of euphoria – a false sense of superpower. It seems that this drug is safe and carries only benefits. In fact, like any other psychoactive substance, Adderall causes addiction, which worsens health and can eventually lead to irreparable consequences.

Treatment for Adderall addiction exists, so it’s never too late to seek help. New Breath Recovery (California) has a special environment to help addicts regain control of themselves and their lives.

What Is Adderall?

Adderall is the name of a prescription drug that contains a mixture of amphetamine salts. In the USA and some other countries, psychiatrists often prescribe it for the treatment of narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In therapeutic doses, it has a positive effect on the patient: it stimulates brain activity, promotes the production of the hormones dopamine and norepinephrine, improves mood. This allows you to increase concentration and attention, to focus on point problem solving.

The problem is that the drug is abused for the purpose of achieving euphoria. Compared to other drugs – it is very easy to buy. Often Adderall is used together with alcohol and other psychoactive substances. In these cases, addiction quickly develops, from which not all people can get rid of by force of will. This is due to the fact that withdrawal from Adderall is accompanied by pronounced withdrawal symptoms. If they are not managed, the addict may die without medical assistance.

Causes of Adderall Addiction

The main reasons for the development of addiction to Adderall:

  • The composition of the drug. The stimulant contains substances that affect the release of dopamine and norepinephrine. In addition to the positive effect in the treatment of neurolepsy and ADHD, they cause euphoria, make a person more energetic and focused. This attracts people who do not suspect a hidden threat. With each intake of the drug, the body will require more – the previous amount will not be enough to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, exceeding the dosage and prolonged use even in therapeutic doses are some of the main reasons for the rapid development of addiction.
  • Misuse. Students often resort to using Adderall before exams. They buy it from drug dealers, through psychiatrist acquaintances, or through fake prescriptions. Some of these students are later unable to stop taking stimulants and use them for long periods of time until they are noticed by others and family. If the outcome is positive, the addict goes to a treatment center and successfully completes a rehabilitation course.

In rare cases, addiction can be explained by genetic predisposition. In such situations, the doctor must timely recognize the first signs of addiction and prescribe other medications to treat ADHD or neurolepsy.

Signs of Adderall Addiction

It is very difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish Adderall addiction from any other addiction. But it can be done by friends or relatives who are in close contact with the addict.

What to pay attention to:

  • Frequent use or high doses. This is usually the case for people who have been prescribed Adderall for treatment. At first, they stick to the dosages recommended by the doctor, but over time, purchases of the drug may occur more frequently. This is a sure sign of developing tolerance and an inability to control taking the drug.
  • Behavior change. Addicts often try to overcome cravings for drugs and stimulants on their own. Most of them do not succeed. If such people do not take substances, they become restless, irritable, withdraw from the family.

It is important to respond to such changes in behavior in a timely manner. The earlier the problem is noticed, the easier it will be to solve with the help of a rehabilitation program and qualified professionals.

Types of Adderall Addiction Treatment Options

The treatment approach is always chosen on an individual basis.

For this purpose, it can be used:

  • Medications. Their list includes medications for depression, insomnia, paranoia, which often occur at the stage of drug withdrawal.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy. The specialist teaches the addict to fight stress, avoid situations that can provoke a relapse. In simple words, the doctor teaches the patient to find pleasure in ordinary life with the help of practices that have shown high effectiveness.
  • Group therapies. Caught in the same conditions, addicts feel each other better, can share their experiences, positive and negative experiences of fighting cravings for Adderall. Such therapy plays one of the main roles in recovery – it gives the opportunity to solve problems together with other people, which is much easier than alone.
  • Family therapy. Family members must learn to live, taking into account the peculiarities of the addict, be able to understand him and come to his aid in time.

Rehabilitation programs that include a whole range of activities that help to recover and return to a normal way of life are the best.

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The Process of Treating Adderall Addiction

An important first step to recovery is recognizing the problem and wanting to change your life for the better. It is impossible to make such a step on your own, experiencing constant cravings for Adderall.

At the doctor’s appointment, a program is selected, which takes into account the state of health and the history of taking drugs. After taking the tests, detoxification is started. Medical detox is a process of gradual elimination of harmful substances from the body by refusing to take them and replacing them with drugs that mitigate withdrawal symptoms. This stage takes place under the constant supervision of doctors, who monitor changes in vital signs and are ready to come to the rescue at any moment.

When the drug is completely eliminated, the addict is less likely to want to use it again. At least, such a desire is not caused by dangerous and painful withdrawal symptoms. But addiction can occur again due to addictive behavior at the mental level. To avoid relapse, the patient must undergo a long course of rehabilitation, including a variety of therapies.

One of the effective methods of treatment of addiction to Adderall is cognitive-behavioral therapy. It allows to establish a clear connection between the causes and consequences of stimulant abuse. Together with the specialist, the patient deals with his thoughts, learns to think positively. This has a positive effect on his behavior.

In the course of therapy, doctors often use methods based on encouraging good behavior, which increase self-esteem and encourage a fresh start.

The final stages require socialization and outpatient treatment until full recovery is achieved.

Frequently Asked Questions About Adderall Addiction Treatment

To help you learn more about Adderall addiction and how to treat it, our center’s experts have briefly answered the most common questions on the topic below.

Adderall contains amphetamine salts, the half-life of which varies from 8 hours to a day. It may take up to four days to eliminate most of the substance from the body. The times indicated are indicative and depend on the duration of the drug intake and the state of health. In some cases, the elimination period of the stimulant is intentionally prolonged to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

There is no special medication that can effectively treat addiction to Adderall. For this purpose, doctors use a comprehensive approach: they combine supportive drug therapy with psychotherapy and other forms of rehab. Dependents suffering from ADHD or neurolepsy are prescribed other drugs that are able to combat the symptoms of the diseases without causing addiction to them.

This is possible, but only in exceptional cases. For example, if the addict has strong family support and there are no mental health problems caused by long-term Adderall use. In all other cases, especially in cases of severe addiction and a high risk of relapse, it is more effective to resort to inpatient treatment – in a rehabilitation center under the constant supervision of specialists.

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