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Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol is the most widely available legalized psychoactive substance. According to Medical Daily in recent years, 17% of Americans suffer from alcoholism, and about 30% have an occasional problem with alcoholic beverages. That’s tens of millions of people, 100,000 of whom die each year from alcohol addiction. Coping with alcohol cravings on one’s own is very difficult. An addicted person needs help from the outside. It can be provided by family and friends who are able to recognize the symptoms of alcoholism in time and turn to a rehab center.

New Breath Recovery (California) has created all conditions for an effective fight against this disease. Comprehensive programs with minimal risk of relapse have been developed for patients. Treatment takes place in comfortable conditions under the constant supervision of medical specialists.

What Is Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is a disease in which a person regularly consumes alcoholic beverages, experiencing an irresistible craving for them. In this case, not only physical but also mental dependence on ethyl alcohol develops. As a result, a person changes beyond recognition, destroys relationships with friends and family, often loses his or her job and is unable to get out of this vicious circle on his or her own.

Causes of Alcohol Addiction

Regular alcohol consumption is a consequence of psychological, physiological and social problems. All of them lead to the fact that people drink often, alone or in company, quickly acquiring psychological and physiological dependence.

The main causes of the development of alcoholism are:

  • mental disorders. Depressive state, neuroses, schizophrenia – the list can include dozens of diseases;
  • heredity. It is scientifically proven that the children of alcoholics are at risk and have a propensity to develop alcohol dependence;
  • social component. Alcohol is similar in nature to other drugs. It causes euphoria and it is often used as an available means of relaxation after a hard day’s work, at events – to raise the mood;
  • unsettled life. Lack of prospects, unemployment, financial problems, shock caused by the death of a loved one;
  • isolation. At risk are single people who have not been able to create a family or have gone through a stage of divorce;
  • character traits. Inability to fight with feelings of guilt and resentment, feelings of inferiority, the presence of internal barriers to communication with other people.

It turns out that in most cases, the main reason for the development of dependence on alcohol is a person’s getting into a difficult life situation that seems hopeless. In order to forget, such people use alcohol.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

You can recognize that a friend or relative has a drinking problem by the following characteristic signs:

  • systematic use of alcohol;
  • inability to control the amount of alcohol they drink;
  • development of tolerance to ethyl alcohol (you need more alcohol each time to become intoxicated);
  • painful withdrawal symptoms when attempting to give up alcohol;
  • realization of addiction, but lack of will to fight it despite the consequences;
  • loss of interest in hobbies and pastimes;
  • neglect of social responsibilities;
  • frequent conflicts with others.

The most dangerous sign is a drunken state, when a person is drunk for several days. Against this background, he develops memory problems and possibly inadequate behavior with the use of violence to others. With each bottle drunk, the situation worsens, so it is important to go to a rehabilitation center as early as possible, where the addict will provide qualified help.

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Types of Alcohol Addiction Treatment Options

Dependence on alcohol is difficult to treat. There is no universal remedy for this, so complex programs are used, selected individually for each patient.

The main approaches to the treatment of alcohol dependence:

  • detox. This process is understood as the excretion of ethyl alcohol and its metabolites under the care of specialists. At this stage, the main task of doctors is to mitigate withdrawal symptoms, which can lead to relapse or a sharp deterioration in the patient’s health;
  • prescribing medications. Acamprosate and naltrexone are prescribed to restore chemical signals in the brain of the addict. Disulfiram or its analogs can be prescribed to form an aversion to alcohol-containing drinks;
  • psychotherapy. Working through personal problems with qualified psychologists and psychotherapists teaches the patient self-control, search for motivation, correct patterns of behavior, awareness of the cause-and-effect relationship between alcohol use and psycho-emotional state;
  • participation in support groups. Regular meetings with people who are struggling with addiction help to learn how to live sober without making other people’s mistakes;
  • family therapy. Family support plays a big role, helps to restore social ties;
  • relapse prevention. After long-term rehabilitation in the rehab, the fight against addiction does not stop. Often additional treatment is required under outpatient programs with periodic visits to treatment facilities to consolidate the result obtained.

Only a specialist who has studied the patient’s situation from all sides and has relevant experience can choose the right program. That is why the best solution to the problem is to turn to a rehabilitation center.

The Process of Treating Alcohol Addiction

As we have already mentioned, alcohol addiction treatment is a multi-step process. It requires the addicted person to realize that he or she has a problem and wants to fix his or her life. Voluntary participation in the rehabilitation process is very important.

At the New Breath Recovery center, the patient is met by experienced professionals, talked to, learned details from life, find out the root causes of addiction development. After that, the patient must undergo an examination, during which his physical and mental state is studied.

The next stage is the development of a treatment plan. It usually includes detoxification: it is necessary to free the body from toxic substances and products of their decay. This should be done so as not to harm the person, because a long history of alcohol consumption can be accompanied by a pronounced withdrawal syndrome. To combat withdrawal symptoms, supportive medication is prescribed. To reduce the craving for alcohol, special drugs are prescribed that cause rejection of alcohol.

An important role in recovery is played by psychotherapy. It is with its help that specialists change the consciousness and behavior of the patient, help him to live and make decisions without alcohol. Psychological support has a complex character. These are individual conversations with a psychotherapist, and group therapy, and work on restoring relationships in the family.

Intensive treatment ends with a longer stage of supportive therapy, which is necessary to prevent relapses. This can take months or even years, but with the right prioritization there is every chance for a full recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Have you or a loved one fallen into the trap of alcohol addiction and are left with a lot of questions? Our staff has prepared brief answers to the most popular ones.

Withdrawal or withdrawal symptoms occur when an alcohol dependent person drastically reduces the dose or abandons alcohol altogether.

Withdrawal symptoms:

  • trembling of individual parts of the body or in the whole body, in severe cases – convulsions and epileptic seizures;
  • the emergence of a strong sense of fear;
  • aggression and irritability;
  • sudden deterioration of health: excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, intense headache, vomiting and nausea;
  • psychological problems: insomnia, hallucinations, psychosis.

Abstinence requires medical supervision in a treatment center. This condition is very dangerous and can lead to irreparable consequences.

The use of medication together with psychological and psychiatric care has been shown to be highly effective. Benzodiazepines and anticonvulsants may be prescribed to manage withdrawal symptoms.

To develop in the addicted person an aversion to alcoholic beverages, tablets based on disulfiram are often used. It blocks the enzymes with which the body processes ethanol. The reaction to alcohol in this case can be different: nausea, fatigue, cramps. All this is necessary to consolidate the correct model of behavior and refusal to abuse alcohol. In some cases, addicts never consume alcoholic beverages in any doses again.

Inpatient rehabilitation can take from one to three months. The period depends on the situation: the severity of addiction, the age and state of health of the patient, and the chosen treatment program. After inpatient treatment, outpatient supervision and regular attendance at AA groups are recommended. All this is necessary to prevent relapses.

Family support significantly reduces the risk of relapse. Involvement of loved ones in the rehabilitation process helps to resolve emotional problems and restore communication.

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