Statistics tell us that today 260 Americans will die because of alcohol abuse. And it will be about the same number tomorrow. Whether that’s a lot or a little on a national scale is hard to say. But what is certain is that all of these deaths are preventable. Alcoholics don’t think about how long they will live, they rarely…
Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that is often used by people with addictions. According to various data, about 42 million people in the United States have tried this drug at least once in their lives. It became very popular because it was “advertised” in books, movies and on TV. It is often used at parties as a…
A person addicted to alcohol has to go through serious trials to defeat the disease. And the first barrier on the way to sobriety is the withdrawal syndrome. The body of the alcoholic has adapted to the doses of the psychoactive substance, which is alcohol, and to work relatively normally, he needs it very much. Therefore, after giving up alcohol,…
Each person is unique, as is the nature and severity of their addiction. That is why there are different approaches to treatment. Inpatient programs involve a long stay in a rehab and are designed for the most difficult cases that require maximum control over the patient. Outpatient programs are gentler, allowing patients to stay at home most of the day…
Debunking Myths About Drugs and Alcohol
One of the reasons why 10% of the US population suffers from alcoholism and another 17% from drug addiction is the many myths that society has created. Movies, books, TV – everywhere you can find the claim that psychoactive substances are safe, convenient, and stylish. This works as advertising that claims tens of thousands of lives every year from overdose…
Doctors may prescribe Adderall as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It has proven to be an effective drug and is relatively safe in the recommended doses. But there is one feature – the ability to be addictive with prolonged use or excessive dosages. 2 out of 3 students in the US use this drug at least once…
Alcohol is a legalized type of psychoactive substance that no major event is without. It is there at celebrations and funerals, and it is often used for the purpose of relaxation and distraction. Some people get addicted to its use and become severely dependent, but others can drink moderately all their lives and not suffer from alcoholism. What’s the situation…
The deterrent to trying to quit alcohol when alcohol dependence is present is the withdrawal syndrome. This is a painful condition when a person cannot function normally: he or she experiences anxiety, headaches, vomiting and vomiting, hands shaking, hallucinations may occur. Also among the withdrawal symptoms, insomnia is common. This is due to the fact that alcohol abuse reduces the…