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Crack Addiction Treatment

According to NSDUH data for 2022, 1.3% of Americans have used crack, a highly addictive drug that is readily available. That seems like a small percentage, but when translated into 330 million people, it’s a huge number. According to various estimates, 16,000 people died from crack overdoses in 2019. That’s thousands of shattered destinies for which there is no tomorrow.

If you or a loved one has fallen on hard times and can’t live without a dose of crack cocaine, seek help from professionals. The sooner you do, the better your life will be after recovery. At New Breath Recovery (California), we have a comprehensive rehab environment. You’ll get the care you need 24/7, help you understand yourself, and get rid of your addiction once and for all.

What Is Crack Cocaine?

Crack cocaine or simply crack is an available drug that is a solid mixture of cocaine and baking soda. It is also called “rock” because of its appearance.

Unlike cocaine, crack is not snorted but smoked. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs, and in as little as 30 seconds causes a powerful release of dopamine in the brain. The result is a feeling of euphoria, happiness, and a surge of energy. The sensation lasts only 10 minutes, the level of dopamine drops rapidly, which makes a person want to take another dose. This is why crack is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world.

Causes of Crack Addiction

The first dose of crack causes a powerful release of the pleasure hormone dopamine in the brain. The more of it there is, the more intense the sensation. That’s what crack does. But the euphoria fades quickly, and the pleasure is replaced by a feeling of emptiness. To solve this problem, the person smokes crack again, thus falling into the trap of dopamine swings. Each time the brain becomes more and more accustomed to the level of dopamine produced, and in order to achieve the same pleasure, the drug has to be used more and more often. One or two doses are enough – addiction appears.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that crack is a relatively cheap substance that is easy to buy from drug dealers.

Signs and Symptoms of Crack Addiction

It is not easy to realize that a person is addicted to crack cocaine. Because it manifests itself in the same way as any other drug addiction. But there are a few signs that should alert family and friends.

The main symptoms of addiction:

  • breathing problems. Crack is smoked, and it affects the lungs. Someone who abuses crack has difficulty breathing and coughs frequently. Burns on the lips and hands may also be present;
  • lack of appetite. Crack addiction often leads to dramatic weight loss, such a person is characterized by painful thinness and puffy face;
  • insomnia. Crack leads to disruption of sleep cycles, so the patient’s skin eventually becomes earthy in color, wrinkled, there are circles under the eyes;
  • behavioral changes. The addict constantly thinks about the dose, often against this background, he withdraws from the family, ignores his social responsibilities, stops watching his appearance and hygiene;
  • mood swings. Crack leads to mood swings accompanied by paranoia, unmotivated irritability and anger;
  • other indirect signs. The addict’s heart rate becomes irregular, blood pressure rises, and seizures occur.

With the passage of time, all these symptoms intensify. Therefore, it is important to seek help from specialists in time to reduce the risk of irreversible health consequences.

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Types of Crack Addiction Treatment Options

Treatment for crack cocaine addiction includes detox, rehabilitation, and social recovery. Depending on the complexity of the case, these stages can be completed in an outpatient or inpatient setting.

Outpatient treatment consists of periodic visits to a treatment center for counseling, medication, and therapy. The rest of the time a person stays at home.
Inpatient treatment involves a permanent stay in a closed rehab center. Here he is always under medical supervision, his life is not threatened and there is less risk that he will not resist temptation and return to crack cocaine.

The Process of Treating Crack Addiction

No rehab center, no recovery program is effective without an important step – awareness of the problem and the desire to get rid of addiction. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to make a choice in favor of your health and trust professionals.

New Breath Recovery’s medical staff will do the rest:

  • evaluate the patient’s condition;
  • perform detoxification to rid the body of the drug;
  • prescribe medications to help ease withdrawal symptoms;
  • provide counseling and psychotherapy;
  • surround the patient with care and understanding;
  • provide an opportunity to socialize with similarly addicted people for group therapy;
  • make sure that drugs are no longer associated with solving any problems.

In all cases, an individualized treatment program is prescribed, which takes into account the patient’s health characteristics and history of crack use.

Frequently Asked Questions About Crack Addiction Treatment

We understand how important it is for you to get the best possible information about addiction treatment. That’s why our experts have prepared answers to questions you may have before coming to the rehabilitation center.

Although both drugs contain the same active ingredient, they affect the human body differently, causing different forms of addiction.

Crack enters the bloodstream faster than regular cocaine. At the same time, it stops working before it causes a quick addiction – a person needs to smoke crack more often to get a portion of pleasure. Because of the drastic fluctuations in dopamine, severe physical and psychological effects manifest themselves.

Making things worse is the lower price of crack. Therefore, this addiction is more difficult to treat than cocaine addiction.

Smoking crack can have irreversible physical and mental health consequences. All organs are affected. First of all – lungs, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. The addict’s immunity decreases, such people often get hepatitis and AIDS. Due to the effect on the brain, cognitive abilities are reduced, paranoia and hallucinations appear.

The effects of crack cocaine have an accumulative effect. With each new dose, the drug has an increasingly destructive effect on the body.

Each case has its own rehabilitation program. It includes detoxification, medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, rehabilitation, group therapy, and prevention. In a dual diagnosis situation, when there is a mental illness along with addiction, both diseases are treated at the same time.

This is possible when three requirements are simultaneously met:

  • a mild form of addiction;
  • strong family support;
  • clear adherence to the recommendations of doctors.

At the same time, inpatient treatment under 24-hour supervision of specialists is more effective – the risks of relapse are lower.

Prolonged use of crack cocaine leads to the destruction of personality. The person changes beyond recognition: he or she becomes suspicious, aggressive, suffers from hallucinations and insomnia. Addicts have impaired memory, lose the ability to solve problems and control their behavior. They become emotionally unstable, capable of aggressive and violent actions. At the stage when the drug no longer leads to the former release of dopamine, suicidal thoughts may appear.

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