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Many medications are effective in controlling pain. When used correctly, they do more good than harm. This includes oxycodone, which was once advertised in the United States as a harmless treatment for muscle pain. As it turns out, oxycodone is addictive on a mental and physiological level. In unskilled hands, it is a very dangerous substance that can easily lead to overdose and death.
Are you or a loved one facing an oxycodone addiction? We recommend not even trying to tackle it on your own. Not only is it ineffective, but it is also dangerous to your health. New Breath Recovery (California) can provide you with all the help you need. After rehab, you will return to your previous happy sober life.
What Is Oxycodone?
Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid that was first synthesized over 100 years ago. Once in the bloodstream, it reaches opioid receptors, eliminating pain, calming and relieving a person’s condition. When used uncontrollably, it induces a feeling of euphoria. In terms of potency, this drug is 2 times stronger than morphine.
Currently, oxycodone is used as a powerful painkiller in cancer and as an anesthetic before surgeries. It is available in tablets, capsules and solutions.
Generally, oxycodone preparations are designed to release the active ingredient slowly. Even improperly consumed tablets (chewed) can lead to serious consequences: respiratory depression, heart rhythm disturbance, and death.
Causes of Oxycodone Addiction
Dependence on oxycodone follows the same pattern as addiction to any other opioid. When first taken, the drug can cause a feeling of joy, pleasure and boundless tranquility. But the effect of the substance quickly ends — the person wants to return to the pleasant state. He takes oxycodone again, then again. At the same time, each time the dose must be increased to get the same effect of euphoria. Abuse causes persistent dependence, first on the emotional and then on the physical level.
It is very difficult to withdraw from the drug afterwards due to the development of withdrawal syndrome. Abrupt discontinuation of substances leads to severe pain, tremors, heart palpitations, blood pressure spikes and other unpleasant sensations that can be fatal due to pain shock, respiratory or cardiac arrest. This is why it is recommended to go to a rehab center rather than trying to deal with the disease on your own.
Signs and Symptoms of Oxycodone Addiction
Constant use of oxycodone completely changes a person. It is noticeable by his behavior, habits, lifestyle. He is often rude, irritable, does not care about his appearance, he only wants drugs.
The main symptoms of oxycodone use:
- narrow pupils that do not respond to changes in light intensity;
- insomnia;
- panic attacks;
- confusion;
- frequent mood swings;
- sluggish speech;
- memory impairment and cognitive decline;
- inadequacy;
- dizziness;
- hallucinations;
- impaired coordination of movement;
- weakness;
- shortness of breath;
- weight loss due to lack of appetite.
The general condition of the patient also deteriorates. Rashes are often visible on his skin, hair falls out faster than usual, teeth are in poor condition, skin is dry with a yellow tint.
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Types of Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Options
The methodology of oxycodone addiction treatment is multistage and practically does not differ from rehabilitation programs after the use of other opioids.
It consists of 3 main stages:
- medication detoxification. It is necessary to remove toxic substances from the patient’s body with the least damage to his health. At this stage, he is prescribed drugs that relieve withdrawal symptoms, have a sedative effect, are effective in combating depression and seizures;
- the help of a psychotherapist. Individual psychotherapy sessions help to eliminate negative attitudes, increase motivation for recovery, form healthy priorities;
- recovery and return to society. Group therapies help to cope with personal experiences, find people who are at the stage of struggle with addiction or have already passed this path. The experience of others has a favorable impact on the addiction treatment process.
At each of the stages the treatment program can be adjusted. That is why they say that an individual approach is necessary: only an experienced specialist can note changes in the patient’s health condition and prescribe the most effective treatment.
The Process of Treating Oxycodone Addiction
When you or your loved one gets to a treatment center, the first thing that will be required is to establish an accurate diagnosis. For this purpose, it is necessary to collect anamnesis, conduct a general examination, and talk to the addict and his or her relatives. An experienced specialist can make the right conclusions about behavior, speech patterns, appearance, peculiarities of reactions to certain actions.
The next stage is laboratory tests. Blood and urine are taken from the patient to conduct tests and identify the drug.
After diagnosis, they proceed to direct treatment. This is recommended to be done in an inpatient setting where 24/7 care will be provided to the patient. At the New Breath Recovery clinic, each person with addiction is given special attention. It is comfortable here thanks to cozy single or double apartments, personal chef, thoughtful recreation areas and warm California climate.
The most agonizing stage for patients is the detox procedure. Despite the fact that withdrawal symptoms are controlled with special drugs, it is impossible to completely get rid of discomfort. The acute phase can last several days, after which there is peace. But do not relax, rehabilitation is not over.
Further follows a whole cycle of individual and group therapy, aimed at strengthening the correct patterns of behavior and teaching ways to fight the temptation to take drugs. Only after that can we say that the person has almost recovered. It will take time to learn how to live a sober fulfilling life. This is what supportive therapy after rehab is all about. It is necessary to periodically attend groups and specialists in outpatient settings.
Frequently Asked Questions About Oxycodone Addiction Treatment
Still have questions about oxycodone addiction? Our experts have answered the most popular ones so you can quickly find all the information you need in one place.
How does oxycodone addiction treatment differ from other opioids?
Dependence on oxycodone often develops against the background of existing pain, for which the drug was used. Therefore, treatment should be accompanied by the selection of another painkiller. In all other aspects, approximately the same approaches are used.
What are the risks of long-term oxycodone use?
The drug is highly addictive at the mental and physical levels. Prolonged use leads to kidney and liver damage, development of mental disorders. Slow reactions can cause accidents and injuries. Oxycodone can easily cause an overdose, which is very life-threatening.
What are the signs of oxycodone overdose and how is it treated?
Watch out for slow breathing, drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, and wet, cold skin. The first course of action is to call an ambulance. If naloxone is available, administer intravenously or by inhalation. It is an antidote that restores breathing and can save life.
Are there non-pharmacological treatments for oxycodone addiction?
Yes, they are various forms of psychotherapies: cognitive-behavioral, group, family, etc.. However, most often they are an adjunct to drug therapy. Many of them are used in our center.
How long does oxycodone withdrawal last?
It is impossible to give exact terms, they are individual. On average, withdrawal symptoms appear for 3-5 days. Sometimes it lasts 7-14 days, less often — up to a month.
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