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Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

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There are many medicines available in pharmacies that can be bought with or without a doctor’s prescription. They can help with certain illnesses, but if they are taken longer than recommended, they can lead to serious addiction. Antidepressants, tranquillisers, painkillers, sedatives and insomnia remedies all bring not only benefits but also harm if used incorrectly.

Experiencing unexplained anxiety when you stop taking medication? Feel pain or tremors in your body? These can all be signs of addiction. At New Breath Recovery, a treatment centre located in the small town of Simi Valley, California, you can receive expert prescription drug addiction treatment. Here, in a comfortable environment, you will learn how to do without the drugs you were unable to quit on your own.

Understanding Prescription Drug Abuse

Drug addiction is understood as a disease in which a person needs to take pharmacy drugs on a regular basis, even if doctors do not recommend it. This is a condition in which the psyche and body become accustomed to the effects of the substances contained in the drug, and therefore it is difficult or impossible to refuse it on one’s own.

Here is a simple example. A patient after surgery is prescribed a course of painkillers. He takes them, and the pain gradually goes away. But even when it is no longer there, the intake of the drug continues. This is done not to reduce pain, but simply to feel better – there is abuse of the drug. At a certain stage, refusing the ‘magic pill’ may cause anxiety or discomfort – a sign that addiction has already formed.

Causes of Prescription Drug Addiction

Drug dependence usually develops in two scenarios:

  1. The patient is prescribed a course of medication, but continues to take it longer than necessary or in dosages higher than therapeutic. This happens if the cause of the disease is not treated, but only if the symptoms are managed.
  2. The person knows about the side effects (euphoria, analgesic or stimulant effects) of certain drugs and takes drugs prescribed to other people.

Dependence appears gradually, over 2-3 months. In the second scenario, it is much faster, within a few weeks. This is due to the fact that in such cases the doses are usually higher.

Like any other drugs, the active ingredients in pills affect the body in certain doses. Over time, the human body adapts to the dosage and more of the drug is needed to calm down, fight pain and insomnia or other symptoms. At this stage, the main signs of addiction are manifested.

Signs and Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction

You can recognize that a person is abusing medication by common signs:

  • self-increased dosage;
  • frequent requests for prescriptions from doctors;
  • hiding the frequency and amount of medication being taken;
  • unsuccessful attempts to discontinue the medication.

A distinction is made between psychological and physical symptoms of addiction. The first appears when there is an emotional attachment to the drugs. A person begins to use drugs for mood elevation, not as prescribed by a doctor, uncontrollably. At the same time, he may realize the harm, but ignore the negative consequences.

The main sign of physical dependence is the development of withdrawal syndrome, which manifests itself when trying to stop using drugs. The most common symptoms of drug withdrawal are irritability, nausea, insomnia, tachycardia, increased sweating, seizures, pressure and temperature spikes. At this stage, it becomes physically difficult for a person to stop taking pills – it is recommended to seek help in a rehab center.

Types of Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Options

Treatment methods may vary depending on the type of drug abused by the patient. 

They may include:

  • replacement with analogs that are non-addictive or less toxic;
  • gradual reduction of dosage up to complete withdrawal;
  • medical detox to cleanse the body of toxic substances;
  • withdrawal from the drug and treatment of the cause of the disease, not its symptoms;
  • recovery of internal organs;
  • psychotherapy.

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The Process of Treating Prescription Drug Addiction

It is impossible to force a person to give up regular use of pharmacy drugs. In order for rehabilitation to be effective, two conditions must be met: the patient must want to be cured and recognize his or her powerlessness over addiction. After that, it is recommended to seek help from friends or relatives who will help find a suitable medical center.

At the first appointment with a narcologist, the specialist will find out how bad it is. He will assess the state of health, the drugs taken and their impact on internal organs and psyche, and take the necessary materials for analysis. An experienced doctor after collecting data sees the whole picture of the disease and can develop an adequate treatment plan.

As we said earlier, programs are always selected individually. During the medication detoxification phase, they may gradually reduce the dosage of the drug or cancel it completely. To alleviate withdrawal symptoms, antidepressants, anti-anxiety or anticonvulsants, painkillers, etc. are prescribed. – safe substances that help with temporary painful feelings. The withdrawal syndrome can last from a few days to several weeks – it all depends on the individual case. 

A huge contribution to addiction therapy is psychotherapy. This is what teaches a person how to live without unnecessary medication. Psychotherapy is diverse. It can include individual and group sessions, work with the family, participation in Narcotics Anonymous groups and much more.

Additionally, alternative therapies may be prescribed. For example, art therapy, sports therapy, and yoga classes. All of these components of rehab are necessary for a person to be able to fill the void with healthy habits.

Frequently Asked Questions About Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment

Still have questions about diagnosing and treating addiction to medications? Our doctors have answered the most popular ones to make it easier for you to find a solution.

The most popular drugs of greatest concern to doctors struggling with addiction are Adderall, Xanax, Valium and Vicodin.

Everything depends on the drug abused by the patient, as well as the patient’s state of health. The main emphasis in detox is on the gradual reduction of the dosage of the active substance and, if necessary, its replacement with an analog. To stabilize the internal organs and psyche, appropriate medications are prescribed. 

In order not to harm in this process, the treatment program should be developed by a qualified doctor. Independent detoxification is associated with great health risks.

Yes. This is one of the key tools used in the treatment of all forms of addiction. Various methods of behavioral therapy are used for this purpose: role training, imitation learning, shaping, etc. With the necessary experience, the psychotherapist can gradually change the behavior of the patient. Therapy is carried out according to a strictly defined plan, depending on the general condition of the patient and the drugs he abused.

There are no such “special” medications. There are only sets of medications that help to treat addiction. For example, if there is a craving for drugs from the opioid group, methadone, naltrexone, buprenorphine may be prescribed. Stimulant dependence is often treated with maintenance medications such as modafinil or bupropion. Rehabilitation after benzodiazepine abuse involves controlled dosage reduction and management of withdrawal symptoms. 

Vitamin and mineral complexes, nootropics and other medications may also be prescribed to restore the depressed body. In all these cases, full treatment is impossible without the use of psychotherapy.

The combination of the presence of any addiction and a mental disorder is called a dual diagnosis. Both are interrelated: mental disorders lead to drug abuse, and addiction to prescription drugs worsens the mental state. Comprehensive treatment breaks this cycle and has a positive impact on the health of patients.

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