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Prescription Drug

Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug addiction can often feel intense and embarrassing.

Many individuals were prescribed drugs for a legitimate reason to help ease suffering.

Now, you find yourself suffering even more from withdrawal symptoms and physical and psychological dependence. Please know that you are not alone, and help is possible!

It’s easy to lose hope when struggling with prescription drug abuse. At New Breath Recovery, we are here to remind you there is no shame in your struggle. Therefore, with the support of our team, we will ensure your battle with addiction stops here. Learn about our treatment program and how we can help you break free from prescription drug misuse today!

01. Understanding Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription drugs intend to treat physical or mental health conditions when taken according to a doctor’s instructions. This means that prescription drug abuse comes in a few different forms. It could begin with giving an individual a prescription medication. Over time, a reliance develops as an individual requires more of the same prescription to achieve the desired effect.

Prescription Drug Misuse

Conversely, prescription drug misuse can also refer to taking another person’s medication or using prescription drugs to get high. Some of the most commonly abused prescription drugs are those used to treat anxiety, opioid painkillers, and stimulant abuse.

02. Prescription Drug Withdrawal

Once a person has developed an emotional and physical dependence from abusing prescription medications, the risk factors associated with withdrawal symptoms are even higher. A person will usually experience withdrawal symptoms within 12 hours after their last dose.

With the help of our specialists, you can safely face withdrawal symptoms and break your cycle of drug abuse. This process is called medical detox, a crucial step to help reduce your risk of relapse in the future. Due to the challenging withdrawal symptoms many individuals face, it is important to detox under the care of medical professionals to prevent relapse and ensure safety during the process.

Physical Symptoms

The physical symptoms are intended to make your body believe it is sick without the regular drug use it has become used to. Withdrawal symptoms can vary based on which prescription medication a person abuses. However, they will most often develop symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, and body aches and pains. In more severe cases, a person can experience withdrawal seizures that may lead to death.

Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms

The mental health impact for those who abuse prescription drugs is also very apparent during withdrawal. Therefore, a person who struggles with prescription medication substance abuse will exhibit irritation, mood swings, and not being able to focus after they quit drug use. The most severe psychological withdrawal symptoms in response to prescription drug use are depression and suicidal thoughts.

Remember, the help of professionals is necessary when detoxing from prescription drugs to ensure safety during this period.

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03. Addiction Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction

Our prescription drug addiction treatment programs are based on the principles of the 12-step program. As a result, we are committed to guiding you through detox, mental health services, and substance abuse aftercare. 

All of our programs emphasize mental health care, which can take place in various formats, including individual therapy and group counseling.

Individual Behavioral Therapy

In addition, individual behavioral therapy will help you reframe the negative self-talk that often leads to substance abuse. Then group counseling services will teach you important life skills that you can use to avoid abusing prescription drugs in the future.

By focusing on the mental and emotional side of substance abuse, individuals have an improved likelihood of getting sober and staying sober.

04. Starting Your Journey to Sobriety with New Breath Recovery

Our mission at New Breath Recovery is that recovery requires a lifelong commitment. When you participate in one of our programs, we work directly with you to offer the addiction treatment services you most need to achieve and maintain successful sobriety.

Contact us today for more information on how New Breath Recovery can best serve you. Whether you want to figure out insurance coverage, our rehab admissions process, or other treatment options, one phone call can begin your recovery.

05. Get Alcohol or Drug Addiction Treatment with New Breath Recovery

At New Breath Recovery, we understand that sobriety is vital to long-term recovery. Our team works with your specific recovery needs in order to adjust a special treatment plan.

If you are ready to make the next step towards an addiction-free life, give us a call today at (805) 800-8708. If you are not ready to make the call, you can fill out our contact form, and one of our specialists will call you back.

Concerned About Payment?

The thought of paying for addiction treatment should not stop you from seeking the programs you need. If you are unsure about insurance coverage, you can view our list of providers or fill out a request for insurance information.

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Fill out the form below, and we will verify insurance to check your benefits.
Contact us if you have any questions.

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