Doctors often prescribe Adderall to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It helps patients to calm down and concentrate on important tasks. Adderall’s popularity is growing. Since 2007, the number of prescriptions issued for it in the United States alone has doubled. This can be attributed, among other things, to the increased demand for non-medical use, especially among students.…
Everyone knows about cocaine – even people who have never used it. It owes this to the heroes of movies and books. Thanks to such publicity, its popularity is constantly growing. But it seems harmless until you learn about how many people have died from cocaine overdose. Just look at these numbers from NIDA over the last 20 years. Overdose…
How Alcohol Accelerates Skin Aging
Alcohol abuse negatively affects the entire body. It affects the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, aggravates chronic diseases. Addiction also affects the appearance of a person. You have probably come across photos comparing people before they started using drugs and alcohol and after some time. The changes are startling — people with addiction look much older than their years. And…
Sometimes people think they are doing the right thing by taking the utmost care of a person who drinks alcohol regularly. The alcoholic asks for a drink because he or she feels bad, and a loved one, spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, mom or dad gives him or her what he or she asks for. They do everything they can to…
What is Luxury Rehab?
Movies and books often portray inpatient drug and alcohol treatment in an unsightly light. They make rehab clinics look like prisons where patients are forced to stay until they are fully recovered. But what if that’s not true, and in cases of elite rehab, not at all? At New Breath Balance Clinic, you or a loved one can get all…
The most contradictory feelings await a person addicted to alcohol and drugs on the way to a sober life. One of them is called “pink clouding” or “pink cloud”. We will tell you in detail what it is and how to act at the first signs of its appearance. Are you or your loved one suffering from drug or alcohol…
Dependence on alcohol changes people: at the beginning of a relationship they show their best qualities, but alcohol abuse can make life together impossible. But what about love? It is possible, even with an alcoholic. Sometimes they can be helped, but in some cases the only way is to get out of the relationship and build it with another person.…
The Link Between Meth and Anxiety
According to Statista, between 2009 and 2022, the number of U.S. residents using methamphetamine more than doubled to 2.7 million people. It is used as an available drug for pleasure and to combat anxiety disorder. At some point, it seems like a way out of a difficult situation. But mistakes come at a price. In the case of meth, with…