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Adderall Dependency and Its Destructive Role in Relationships

Adderall Dependency


Doctors often prescribe Adderall to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It helps patients to calm down and concentrate on important tasks.

Adderall’s popularity is growing. Since 2007, the number of prescriptions issued for it in the United States alone has doubled. This can be attributed, among other things, to the increased demand for non-medical use, especially among students. 1 out of 3 students have used Adderall at least once, and many of them continue to do so even after graduation. Constant use of Adderall changes a person and leads to the development of dependence on the drug. Under the influence of the drug, a person becomes more cold and detached, and Adderall ruins relationships.

New Breath Recovery (CA) can help you or a loved one deal with addiction to this substance. 24/7, each patient is guided step by step through an individually tailored rehabilitation program and achieves the goal of becoming drug-free.

In this article, you will learn how Adderall and relationships are connected, including the ways this drug can impact personal dynamics and emotional bonds. Understanding these effects is crucial for recognizing the signs of dependency and seeking the right help.

What Is Adderall and Why Is It Misused?

Adderall is the trade name of a drug consisting of a mixture of amphetamine salts. About an hour after taking it, the contents of the tablet are absorbed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream and begin to affect the brain as a stimulant for the production of serotonin and dopamine. This is exactly what is required by ADHD patients, who have impaired dopamine production – the reason why their brain is constantly looking for new stimuli and such people find it difficult to concentrate on certain thoughts and actions.

The stimulant Adderall is readily available and can be purchased at any pharmacy with a prescription. For ADHD patients in therapeutic doses, it is a medication. But there is a reason why this drug contains amphetamine salts. This makes it a close relative of methamphetamine with a similar set of side effects:

  • euphoria;
  • improved concentration;
  • no need for sleep;
  • increased libido and stamina.

Adderall is often used by students, believing that it helps them with their studies. However, studies have shown that it has little or no effect on academic performance. In healthy people, taking the drug slightly increases attention and allows more time without sleep. However, other cognitive functions, such as short-term memory, may suffer.

Like other drugs, amphetamine salts require a constant increase in dosage – they are characterized by so-called tolerance. Gradually increasing the dose and regular use of Adderall, a person becomes dependent, first on the mental level and then on the physical level.

How Adderall Affects Relationships

Regular use of Adderall without a medical indication is a clear sign of drug addiction. Like any other drug, this drug affects the psyche and behavior. What connection can be traced between Adderall and relationships?

A person with Adderall addiction becomes like a robot. He or she may have difficulty expressing needs and emotions and be emotionally unavailable. He or she is no longer the fun-loving guy or girl you used to know. A person with addiction often criticizes his partner’s actions, and shows a tendency to conflict.

Stimulants make a person spend more time to study or work, and relationships with loved ones are ignored. Sex ceases to be interesting, marriage problems can arise, and the partner is given less and less attention.

Adderall abuse leads to increased irritability and anxiety. Dependent people cease to understand the feelings of others and gradually isolate themselves in their own small world, where there is no room for anyone else. This means there is no room for healthy relationships.

Tips for Maintaining Relationships

If you don’t want Adderall to ruin your marriage, you need to act immediately:

  • discuss the problem with your partner. It is difficult to restrain emotions in such a situation, but you need to gather your thoughts and talk calmly. In the conversation should not sound accusations and anger, but it is necessary to say directly about what has changed in the relationship and how it can be influenced. If the husband or wife wants to make things right but cannot manage on their own, then you can move on to the next step. It is important that any decisions are made jointly;
  • seek help. Start with a routine counseling session with an addiction specialist. The doctor will assess the patient’s condition and recommend treatment programs or undergoing courses of therapy. If the drug intake is related to ADHD, a drug substitution or dosage reduction may be possible. Don’t neglect Narcotics Anonymous groups, they are a powerful support for people who are trying to quit drugs;
  • don’t forget about yourself. Take care of your physical and mental health, as you are going to have a hard time in the near future. Find a hobby that will distract you from bad thoughts, see your parents and friends more often.

When to Seek Help in Treating Adderall Addiction

If you notice that your loved one is completely consumed by thoughts of using the drug, if Adderall makes your spouse angry, if you completely lose control of the situation. All of these things mean that you can’t handle it on your own and need help.

At New Breath Recovery, a clinic located in a small town in California, patients successfully complete Adderall addiction treatment programs. Here, a group of doctors: addiction specialists, psychologists and psychotherapists work with each patient in comfortable conditions. The fight against addiction is conducted comprehensively in a 24/7 mode in several directions at once, which makes it as effective as possible.

One of the important advantages of our rehab is comfortable living conditions. Patients have access to single or double rooms with a private bathroom. The chef develops a special menu for each person. New Breath Recovery restores the personality and prepares it for a new sober life: step by step, gently but confidently. Treatment of Adderall addiction at our clinic will help you improve relationships and restore your marriage through comprehensive recovery and support.



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