Even after a rehabilitation center, it is impossible to say that a person is completely healthy: the specialists have only shown him how to be healthy and in what direction to go — the rest of the way he has to go on his own. This can take years and it is very hard. That is why it is important to find something that will serve as a support. Such a support can be hobbies that help maintain a sober lifestyle. They organize life, give it purpose, and serve as a source of emotional stability during recovery.
If you or a loved one is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, New Breath Recovery can provide the level of support you need. In our rehab setting, patients can more easily cope with withdrawal symptoms, receive medication, undergo psychotherapy sessions, and find new friends and hobbies. And all this in luxurious conditions, where great attention is paid to comfort: accommodation in single or double suites, access to thoughtful recreation areas, cooking by a chef who takes into account all preferences.
The Psychological and Emotional Benefits of Hobbies
Having a passion for something other than work, family or household chores is of great importance in a person’s life. Studies have shown that engaging in several different activities among adolescents reduces the likelihood of developing mental health and substance use disorders in the future.
Hobbies also help with recovery from addiction. For example, studies have confirmed the benefit of integrated physical activity and behavioral interventions to enhance recovery from substance addiction. Why does it works?
Hobbies fill the void inside. After completing rehab, a person is reintroduced to a social environment where they have more time. This time was once spent using drugs or alcohol, then it was filled with activities in rehab, and now there is just a void. This is very dangerous because the likelihood of relapse is greatly increased. Hobbies for recovering drug or alcohol addicts become the very distraction that keeps the addiction from winning.
Hobbies teach you to enjoy simple things. Under the influence of psychoactive substances, the brain’s normal reward system has been rearranged and the balance has been disturbed. The feeling of pleasure was synthesized by artificially increasing neurotransmitters. Activities that bring pleasure also produce joy, albeit not as intense as under the influence of substances. But it is a source of healthy pleasure that is not only not harmful to health, but also improves the quality of life.
Hobbies help you cope with stress. In the past, these imaginary helpers were alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications. But a favorite hobby is much more effective than any psychoactive substances. It allows you to calm down, to look at the source of stress differently, to overcome adversity on your own or with the help of like-minded people who share your hobbies.
Hobbies help you make friends. After a rehab center, a person may feel isolated and lonely. Hobbies become a magical bridge through which it is easy to establish new healthy relationships. And this is known to be a key factor not only for a sober life, but also for a recovered life. You can read about the difference between these two concepts in our article Sobriety vs Recovery: Understanding the Key Differences and Similarities.
Building a Supportive Community Through Hobbies
All hobbies have a positive therapeutic effect. However, group hobbies are the best for recovery: sports, art or volunteering all play an important role in strengthening social ties. Such hobbies unite people with common interests, develop trust and mutual support, and create an atmosphere of unity.
Hobbies allow you to meet new people, which is especially important for those who are looking for support and inspiration during difficult times in life. When people participate in group activities, they learn to interact, find common ground and work as a team. Socializing with like-minded people helps to reduce stress levels, increase confidence and cope with challenges.
For people facing physical or emotional challenges, having a supportive community plays a key role in their recovery. Like-minded people can offer not only moral but also practical help, sharing their experiences and motivating them to achieve new things. Participating in group hobbies not only makes life brighter, but also helps create strong social bonds that provide support during difficult times.
But that doesn’t mean that hobbies are a one-size-fits-all solution to all problems. Sometimes it’s worth seeking rehab for help in difficult moments, even if you’ve already been to rehab. No one knows how long rehab should last. Perhaps in your case you need a little more time for professional support.
Hobbies That Are Especially Beneficial for Recovery
A hobby doesn’t have to be expensive. In some cases, it doesn’t need money at all — just your time. We will analyze 3 main groups of hobbies, among which you are sure to find something to your liking.
Sports and physical activity
This option is suitable for everyone, because physical activity can be completely different in intensity. It gives you a natural dopamine surge, improves your mood and cardiovascular health.
Here are a few ideas:
- Walking. You can vary your distance and speed, discover new routes, and even plan a hiking trip. Walking is among the top 3 best hobbies for recovering alcoholics according to us — it’s safe and very beneficial.
- Swimming. Excellent stress reliever, trains the respiratory and cardiovascular system.
- Yoga. Available to absolutely anyone and requires no investment.
- Rock climbing. An option for thrill-seekers who have not lost their physical shape.
- Running. One of the most popular options for physical activity. It allows you to set serious goals, up to participation in a marathon.
Learning new skills
The best investments are investments in yourself, because they always pay off. In the case of addiction recovery, these hobbies can also help you improve your self-esteem. What new hobbies can be helpful?
Here are a few ideas:
- A new language. You can learn a new language so you can put it into practice when traveling or at work.
- Programming. This is accessible to everyone and gives a unique sense of creation.
- Popular science lectures and books. Help you broaden your horizons and see the world around you in a new way.
Creative hobbies
Perhaps you once wanted to do something creative as a child, but for some reason you gave up on your dream. Now is the time to unleash your creativity.
Here are a few ideas:
- Photography. Today, you don’t need a professional camera for this — a smartphone is enough.
- Drawing. Available always and everywhere, it develops imagination and spatial thinking.
- Playing a musical instrument. You can take lessons from a master or learn with the help of free video lessons.
What else is there to do?
In fact, there are so many options. It could be gardening, knitting, meditation, volunteering, joining a book club, playing board games, and more. No one can tell you which hobby is best for drug addicts and alcoholics. You have to try, and then you will find something you want to do for a long time.
Hobbies as an Important Part of the Recovery Process
Substance addiction treatment is a complex multistage process. It starts from the moment the patient realizes the problem and ends only when the person no longer needs to resist the desire to use alcohol or drugs, because it no longer arises under any conditions.
At New Breath Recovery, each patient’s treatment is approached individually, taking into account the specifics of addiction, length of use, age, presence of comorbidities, and more. For treatment of medium and severe addiction, we recommend an inpatient format of treatment. In this case, patients are under the constant supervision of medical staff and their safety is not threatened. An important benefit of this approach is that it eliminates the risk of substance use.
In the initial phase of recovery, medical detoxification is possible to help the body cope with the symptoms of abrupt withdrawal from psychoactive substances. This involves prescribing supportive medications to help with anxiety, depression, insomnia and pain. Even at this stage, psychologists and psychotherapists are involved. In the course of many sessions of individual and group therapies, patients form a clear idea of their disease, its causes, triggers. Using a variety of techniques, specialists fix positive thinking and healthy habits that promote recovery.
While in the rehabilitation center, patients are in a structured environment. Everything here is subject to a schedule. This approach is disciplined and helps to avoid moments when a person becomes bored because they have free time. At New Breath Recovery, we strive to smooth out the moment when our patients leave rehab. Therefore, we prepare them for a sober life, including finding new hobbies. Of course, it is simply impossible to try all of them in our center, but we help people decide what they will do in their free time outside the walls of the treatment center.
Hobbies play an important role in addiction recovery, so don’t neglect new hobbies. If you are still undecided about what to do with your free time, explore your neighborhood within a one-mile radius. That’s usually enough to find a few options. And don’t forget to check out an AA or Narcotics Anonymous group for hobby ideas.