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How Long Should Rehab Last?

This question is asked by almost every person who has decided to give up drugs and alcohol in favor of a healthy life. For how long? What path will I have to take? Will I be able to cope? There is no universal answer to all these questions – it all depends on the specific case. And even experienced doctors, after conducting all the necessary examinations, can only give an approximate forecast of how addiction treatment will proceed. The reason is simple – there are too many variables that directly affect the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

But if you are already interested in addiction treatment, it means that the first step has already been taken. All that remains is to choose a place where recovery will be effective and comfortable. This place can be New Breath Recovery – a modern rehab located in California, where a comprehensive addiction treatment program is developed for each patient. All conditions are created here to help you solve this problem once and for all.

What is Inpatient Addiction Treatment?

The most effective way to deal with drug and alcohol abuse is to protect yourself from anything that may entail substance use. It is practically impossible to create such conditions at home. For these purposes, rehabilitation centers are better suited, in which treatment takes place in inpatient conditions.

Features of addiction treatment in the rehub:

  • the patient is in the clinic around the clock and can not go outside of it;
  • medical staff constantly monitor the patient’s vital signs;
  • an individual program is developed for the treatment of each addicted person, which is adjusted depending on the dynamics of the process;
  • specially selected medications are prescribed to relieve withdrawal symptoms;
  • the patient participates in all prescribed therapies and communicates with other people interested in recovery.

Prolonged stay in the drug rehub contributes to the formation of awareness, self-control, teaches to independently cope with problems without the use of psychoactive substances. This may take time.

Factors Influencing Rehab Duration

Specialists consider dozens of factors when assessing the necessary length of stay in addiction treatment. The most important of them are:

  • type of psychoactive substances: alcohol, stimulants, drugs;
  • duration of use;
  • dosages of substances;
  • the patient’s state of health: physical and mental;
  • motivation to undergo a rehabilitation program;
  • relations with society: with work colleagues, classmates, friends, family;
  • presence of unsuccessful attempts at rehabilitation.

Based on the collected data, specialists draw up an individualized treatment plan with a certain length of stay in the rehub. It does not give 100% guarantees, but if strictly followed, it allows you to hope for a positive result and a return to a normal sober life.

Common Rehab Program Lengths

Regardless of the situation, drug and alcohol addiction treatment almost always involves two main stages: detoxification and subsequent rehabilitation. The only difference is how long each of these stages will last. This already depends on the severity of the case. So there are 3 standard programs: for 30 (28), 60 and 90 days.

The program of 30 days:

  • detoxification for a few days;
  • psychotherapy to eliminate physical and mental cravings for psychoactive substances – until the end of the program;
  • individual and group therapy until the end of the program;
  • follow-up treatment in an outpatient setting, if necessary.

60-day program:

  • same as the 30-day program, but with extended detox and therapy time;
  • working through the underlying issues and triggers that cause addiction;
  • working on relapse resistance.

The 90 Day Program:

  • includes all items from the previous program; treatment duration is extended due to the severity of the disease;
  • maximum support is provided to ensure that the results are sustained.

It is important to understand that inpatient drug rehab programs often do not end treatment. Subsequent recovery may include attending anonymous support groups, art therapy and other assistive psychotherapeutic techniques. In some cases, full rehabilitation takes years, and some people stay in the system forever, helping others.

Advantages of Long-Term Rehabilitation Programs

A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis showed that people who received long-term treatment and support had a 23.9% lower risk of relapse than patients who underwent short-term recovery programs.

Based on this, the clear conclusion is that time is one of the key factors in the treatment of any addiction. It is necessary for proper, safe and consistent elimination of harmful substances from the body during the medical detoxification phase. But even more time is needed to work through the root cause of the addiction: the patient must understand what led them to the problem and how to avoid similar situations in the future.

Again, everyone is different. And each person needs time to adapt to the new conditions of the clinic, to gather their thoughts and become as open to the medical staff as possible. It is much easier to do this over a longer period of treatment than in a short period of time.

Most rehab centers offer month-long recovery programs. However, in some of them, the process can be extended and you can stay in treatment for as long as it takes to achieve a positive result.

Drug Addiction Treatment at the New Breath Recovery Center

Do you want to know how many days or months it will take to get you or your loved one back to a normal drug-free life? The next step is to seek a consultation at New Breath Recovery. Only after a full examination and clarification of all input data specialists will be able to predict the course of treatment and choose an effective program.

New Breath Recovery

New Breath Recovery practices an individual approach to each person with addiction. Several people undergo drug and alcohol rehab in comfortable conditions. Depending on their preferences, patients have a choice between single and double apartments. A beautiful place for rest is arranged on the territory, food is prepared by a chef. Relatively small size of the rehab allows to pay maximum attention to each patient. The day is scheduled by minutes – here they value your time and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment only by the results achieved. The average rehabilitation period is 1 month, but it can be adjusted if necessary.

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