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Partial Hospitalization Program

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Drug and alcohol addiction can be a lonely struggle, but you don’t need to take this journey alone! Our team is here to provide compassionate support to help you get your life back.

At New Breath Recovery, we are committed to helping you reclaim the power in your life as you commit to substance abuse recovery.

Our partial hospitalization program is designed to provide a comprehensive and structured treatment plan to help you overcome addiction.


Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs) provide a unique level of care that prioritizes flexibility and support in addiction treatment services while maintaining a high level of accountability and support. Curious about whether or not partial hospitalization at our rehab facility is a good fit for you or your loved one? Read on to learn more! 

01. What is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

Patients participating in our partial hospitalization program attend treatment at our facility for up to 6 hours most days of the week, and then they return home each evening. Oftentimes, individuals will elect for PHP after detox and before outpatient addiction treatment. To succeed in PHP, some may first complete inpatient treatment to acquire foundational skills.

A PHP enables a person in addiction recovery to practice newly learned skills and stay connected with their loved ones while receiving the high level of support they need for relapse prevention. For these reasons, a partial hospitalization program at New Breath Recovery can be a helpful bridge between intensive inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment, or before utilizing the skills, they learned to integrate back into day-to-day life.

02. Is a Partial Hospitalization Program Right for Me?

Partial hospitalization can be a good option for those who want some level of independence but still need structure and support to achieve long-lasting sobriety. PHP clients at New Breath Recovery often participate in partial hospitalization programs when:

  • Their substance use is out of control and has taken over their life, but do not require 24/7 support

  • They need a high level of care but benefit from returning home at night to sleep

  • They need consistent support after detox or a residential program

  • They want to learn strategies for improving their mental health and managing stress before transitioning to outpatient treatment or reintegrating back into their daily life.

We’ll assess if you or your loved one would benefit from this level of care before referral.

03. What Can I Expect During a Partial Hospitalization Program?

At New Breath Recovery, all of our addiction treatments will include a combination of clinical services and mental health treatment to help you commit to a life without substance use. Regardless of the addiction, these components are critical for lasting recovery in our PHP.

Regular Mental Health Care

A wide variety of mental health services are provided to those who participate in our partial hospitalization program. Our PHP program focuses on providing you with mental health support that will benefit you for years to come. We offer a range of therapy sessions, including group therapy and family therapy, that targets the root cause of addiction. Additionally, we offer individual sessions that cater to your specific needs.

The Right Level of Care

One major benefit of joining a partial hospitalization treatment program is receiving daily treatment services while still getting the encouragement you need from loved ones in a comfortable and supportive environment. For those who experience high levels of anxiety when spending the night away from home or have responsibilities that require them to return home in the evenings, a PHP provides the right level of care right when you need it.

Customized Programming

New Breath Recovery tailors PHP treatments to meet patients’ unique needs. Want to learn more about PHP at New Breath Recovery? Call us today to learn how we can best serve you!

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04. Other Programs that Aid in PHP Treatment?

Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey, and PHP treatment is just one of the steps to a successful sober life. Other programs that may benefit your healing during your time at New Breath Recovery may include detox and inpatient programming. Remember, our addiction specialists will directly work with you to determine the appropriate level of care for your needs. Afterward, decide if detox is necessary for a sustainable recovery.


During detoxification, an alcohol or drug user’s mind and body can acclimate to a state free of addictive and toxic substances, which is necessary to achieve sobriety. Most partial hospitalization programs will require an individual to detox before beginning treatment. Medical supervision should oversee a detox to promote safety and prevent relapse.

Inpatient Treatment

For those who require 24/7 support, do not have a supportive home environment, or are at a higher risk of relapse, inpatient treatment may be necessary to begin the recovery journey.  Some choose inpatient treatment before PHP to stabilize before going home at night. We recommend that you speak with one of our specialists to better understand which program is the best fit.

05. Find Support at New Breath Recovery

We know that breaking free from addiction can be challenging, but we are here to help. Contact us at New Breath Recovery today for more information about our addiction treatment plans and services. We can answer any questions you might have about our treatment programs, insurance coverage, and more. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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What Our Client Say.

“New Breath Recovery helped me turn my life around. The staff is amazing and the treatment really works. I'm so grateful to have found this place.”

John Simon

“I was skeptical about treatment at first, but New Breath Recovery exceeded my expectations. The staff was supportive and knowledgeable, and I finally feel like I'm on the right path.”

Jane Smith

“I can't say enough good things about New Breath Recovery. The treatment was effective, and the staff was compassionate and caring. I would recommend this place to anyone who needs help.”

Mike Johnson

“I was skeptical about treatment at first, but New Breath Recovery exceeded my expectations. The staff was supportive and knowledgeable, and I finally feel like I'm on the right path.”

Jane Smith
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