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Monique Aundreta Brown

Monique Aundreta Brown


My history

Monica Brown specializes in treating patients with addictions to alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications. She helps New Breath Recovery patients deal with depression, anxiety, and relationship problems with family. This is very important in all stages of rehabilitation. And it works because Monica Brown loves helping people and seeing them gradually resolve their addiction issues.

Monica Brown studied Marriage and Family/Psychology at Johnson University until 2012. She has been a licensed professional chemical dependency clinical counselor since 2014.

At New Breath Recovery, Monica helps patients make the connection between the cause of addiction and the consequences. She is the one who makes people realize that even for the most challenging situations, there is a solution. Like the other medical staff at our rehab, Monica is guided only by evidence-based medicine and a structured approach. That is why she develops an individualized rehabilitation plan for each patient. Among the main tools used are motivational counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and family therapy.

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