Benzodiazepines and their derivatives, which include alprazolam (Xanax), are often prescribed as a drug for anxiety neuroses and panic attacks. But as time has shown, in addition to positive effects on the psyche, such drugs cause many side effects: drowsiness, decreased attention, memory impairment, confusion and much more. The worst thing is that they are addictive, and when overdosed or consumed with ethanol, they lead to coma and death.
In this article, we will try to get to the bottom of whether Xanax can cause dementia, and what are its effects on cognitive abilities with short-term and long-term use.
The Link Between Benzodiazepines and Dementia
Studies of the causal relationship between the use of benzodiazepines and the development of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, have shown conflicting results.
It used to be thought that benzodiazepines significantly increased the risk of dementia in the elderly. Recent studies have not confirmed this assumption.
In 2023, Tse-Chen Wu and colleagues conducted an umbrella review of meta-analyses to assess the validity of work conducted over the past decades. The result was that there was no clear association between taking benzodiazepines and the risk of dementia.
The lack of a link was also confirmed by the latest research conducted in 2024.
Ilse von Hofe’s population-based analysis examined the long-term use of benzodiazepine drugs in 5,443 subjects with an average age of 70.6 years. Approximately half of them had used the substances continuously over the past 15 years. In the 11.2 years since the start of follow-up, 13.3% of them developed dementia. This risk was also characteristic of people who had never taken benzodiazepines.
The previously established association between Xanax and dementia can be explained by reverse causation error. Because the main indications for prescribing benzodiazepines, insomnia and anxiety, may be precursors to dementia.
However, research is ongoing. Perhaps in the future scientists will be able to answer with 100% certainty to the question of whether Xanax causes dementia or not. But already now we can confidently say that this drug negatively affects the cognitive abilities of patients.
Short-Term vs Long-Term Use of Xanax: Cognitive Impact
To begin with, it is necessary to understand how benzodiazepines affect our body. Their peculiarity is that they promote the active production of gamma-aminobutyric acid. This substance reduces the activity of neurons in the brain, which explains the removal of such symptoms as anxiety and restlessness. However, in some cases, there are negative consequences of taking such substances. Usually they are caused by prolonged and uncontrolled use against the recommendations of doctors. On the example of Xanax, this can be manifested as follows.
Effects with short-term intake:
- low blood pressure;
- impaired coordination;
- speech problems;
- a constant feeling of fatigue;
- dizziness;
- memory problems.
Effects with long-term use:
- physical dependence (addiction);
- withdrawal symptoms: seizures, insomnia;
- sudden mood swings;
- weakened immunity.
Xanax has a particular effect on memory. Long-term use of Xanax or excessive doses can cause short-term memory loss. The good news is that when the drug is discontinued, such side effects are eliminated by themselves. This is why addiction to benzodiazepines needs to be treated. The sooner you seek professional help, the less damage will be done to your body.
Treating Xanax Dependency for Cognitive Health
As with other forms of addiction, Xanax addiction treatment needs a systematic approach. New Breath Recovery has developed a benzodiazepine addiction treatment program that has shown good results.
They include several important steps:
- assessment of the addict’s condition. At the first stage, doctors examine the patient, find out about his chronic diseases, take tests. This is necessary in order to reduce the risks of negative consequences during the xanax addiction treatment program;
- detoxification. Medical detox is an important stage of getting rid of addiction. Its main task is to slowly eliminate drugs from the blood and body. The longer the history of using benzodiazepines, the more caution this process requires. Therefore, during detoxification, doctors constantly monitor the patient’s vital signs;
- medication treatment. Instead of benzodiazepines, antidepressants and other drugs that fight anxiety but do not cause cognitive impairment and dependence are prescribed;
- psychotherapy. Constant conversations with psychologists and psychiatrists help to cope with anxiety and learn to control their emotions without the use of medications. And a set of special exercises improves the neuroplasticity of the brain, returns lost functions;
- prevention. Fighting any addiction is a difficult path. There is always a risk of relapse. To reduce it, the patient should participate in group therapy sessions, feel psychological support from the family. The effect is consolidated by regular visits to specialists for constant monitoring of the state of health.
Treatment takes place in comfortable conditions. In New Breath Recovery patients are under the supervision of medical staff 24 hours a day. There is a choice of single or double rooms equipped with everything necessary. There are recreation areas for patients, and meals are prepared by a chef. But most importantly, in our clinic treatment is based on an individual approach. Specialists do everything possible to improve the quality of life of patients and avoid relapses.
Xanax and Cognitive Risks in Older Adults
Like any other benzodiazepines, Xanax should be used with great caution in the elderly. This is because with age, metabolism slows down and such drugs have an increasingly negative impact on cognitive abilities.
The most dangerous is that in many cases xanax causes memory loss. An elderly person may forget the way home, stop recognizing relatives, have trouble remembering new information. With age, these problems appear in many elderly people, and Xanax acts as an amnesia enhancer in this case.
Because Xanax has a sedative effect and impairs coordination of movements, the risk of falls and fractures caused by them increases for the elderly. Post-traumatic complications can exacerbate cognitive impairment and significantly reduce quality of life.
Again, it cannot be ruled out that new research can confirm the link between benzodiazepines and dementia. For all of these reasons, many medical organizations recommend abandoning Xanax and using other medications to treat anxiety and insomnia.